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Are you looking for a general dentist for Wanganui, New Zealand? Come to Dentist on Glasgow!

If you’re looking for a general dentist in Wanganui, New Zealand, you will be pleased to discover that Dentist on Glasgow is a family-run practice that provides caring, compassionate dental care using the latest technologies and methods.Whether you require preventive, general, cosmetic, restorative or prosthetic dentistry, we have a fully-trained team who are here to help. We always aim to stay up-to-date with the latest technology to ensure that your treatment is as comfortable and convenient as possible whilst providing the outcomes you want.

Read on to find out about how a general dentist for Wanganui, New Zealand at Dentist on Glasgow provides root canal treatments and helps nervous patients.

Root canal treatment

Sometimes, patients find that they suffer with pain when the pulp inside their tooth becomes infected as a result of tooth decay or damage to the tooth. Untreated, this can lead to an abscess. We can treat this by cleaning the pulp and using a rubber dam to stop any infection spreading as we do this. We then fill and seal the tooth with a temporary crown and when we see you again, we check to ensure there is no more infection. Once we’re satisfied that the tooth is clear of infection, we permanently fill it in. We ensure that your tooth is healthy in its structure, looking and feeling natural as before. Throughout all of this, we offer a warm and friendly service. You can ask as many questions as you need to about your treatment and we will discuss your options with you before commencing with any procedures. We also understand that some patients don’t always enjoy a trip to see the dentist and we are here to help alleviate the pressure patients feel when faced with the conundrum of needing treatment and having a fear about receiving it.

Sleep dentistry

If visiting the dentist isn’t at the top of your favourite activities, then you may be interested in finding out a little more about how we help our patients through procedures, when they are feeling anxious or have dental phobias. We use conscious sedation, which involves a strong sedative drug that induces a state of amnesia; simply put, you will have forgetfulness about the treatment. The drug is called Midazolam and it reduces anxiety by inducing drowsiness, and with this drowsiness, you will forget a lot of what happens. You will still be able to talk if you need to because you will still be awake, but the feelings of relaxation and happiness will be more prominent during the procedure, which is just how you will want to feel if we are doing a root canal! Your dentist will discuss this in more depth with you, if this is something that you think you would like.

So, if you’re looking for a professional dental practice that truly cares about its patients, why not come and see how we can help? We will offer you the correct treatment for your needs based on our ever-evolving knowledge of best practice and latest technologies. We want you to have effective treatment that leaves you pain-free and smiling confidently. If you feel ready to smile for the camera after treatment is completed, that’s all we want - mission completed!

Please note: all treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.


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